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Baby teeth are vital to your child’s smile!

Questions & answers

The importance of primary teeth

Why are primary teeth important?

Primary teeth play a vital role in your child’s oral health and development. Here are a few of the ways in which baby teeth help your child:

  • Facilitating speech production and development
  • Facilitating proper jaw growth
  • Aiding in good chewing habits, digestion and nutrition
  • Holding the place for permanent teeth and facilitating proper spacing and alignment
  • Boosting self-confidence from having a healthy smile

What happens if a baby tooth falls out too early?

If baby teeth fall out too early, our dentists can provide a space maintainer or other oral appliance to help keep the space open and allow the permanent tooth to erupt more easily in the future. If this space is not held, the surrounding teeth may become misaligned, leading to incorrect tooth eruption, greater risk of cavities, and a misaligned bite and increased need for orthodontic treatment in the future.

When do teeth erupt?

The first primary teeth erupt between the ages of 6 months and 1 year. By age 3, most children have all 20 primary teeth. Children typically lose their baby teeth in the same order that the teeth erupted, beginning with their front teeth and moving back towards their molars. Baby teeth will typically start to fall around age 6 or 7, with the permanent teeth coming in between ages 6 and 12. After all the primary teeth have been replaced, children usually grow four additional permanent molars between ages 12 and 14. Wisdom teeth come in last and usually need to be removed. By age 21, the average person has 32 permanent teeth, 16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw.

The importance of primary teeth


Your child’s primary teeth play an important role in their oral and overall health as they grow, and our children’s dentist and team love helping your child learn how to care for their teeth! Our children’s dentistry services are designed to care for baby teeth as well as permanent teeth, and we will work with you and your child to create treatment plans that meet their needs as they develop. We welcome you to call Dentistry and Braces Group today to learn more about the importance of primary teeth and schedule your child’s appointment.


Many people assume that because a child’s primary teeth eventually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth that they are not important in the long run. However, baby teeth are crucial to your child’s oral health and development. Baby teeth play several important roles. These roles include:

  • Facilitating speech production and development
  • Aiding in proper jaw development
  • Contributing to good chewing habits and overall nutrition
  • Helping with spacing and alignment of permanent teeth
  • Generating self-confidence from having a healthy smile

The most important reason to care for your child’s primary teeth is so that you can help ensure that their permanent teeth erupt in the correct place. Primary teeth save specific areas of the mouth for the adult teeth.

If a baby tooth falls out too early due to decay or injury and the space is not kept open by a space maintainer or other oral appliance, the teeth surrounding the gap can become misaligned, causing the permanent tooth to potentially erupt incorrectly. This misalignment can lead to an increased risk of cavities, crooked teeth, a misaligned bite and the need for orthodontic treatment later on.

Our dentists will provide you with instructions on the best way to help your child care for their teeth. This will include instructions on the best way to brush and floss your child’s teeth, how to help your child develop good oral habits, and when your child can begin brushing on their own. We will also set a schedule of regular appointments for your child to receive preventive care in our office. Preventive care includes dental cleanings and exams, dental sealants, and fluoride treatments.

If you have any questions about baby teeth or wish to make an appointment with our friendly dentists, please contact our office today.

Contact us

At Dentistry and Braces group, we believe that everyone deserves exceptional dental care, no matter their age or circumstance. For personalized, comprehensive dental care, contact our experienced dentists and make your appointment today.