A retainer Is the last step in your orthodontic treatment.
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While it is true that your treatment may be finished, your teeth and jaw ligaments still need time to settle into their new positions. A retainer ensures that your teeth will maintain their new alignment.
A retainer is an oral appliance that, depending on your needs, is often made of plastic or acrylic. You will wear it as directed by our orthodontists. Some people need to wear a retainer for a period of months, others may need to wear one while they sleep for the rest of their lives. There are three basic types of retainers:
You should gently brush your retainer every day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a nonabrasive toothpaste. Some whitening toothpastes may be too abrasive for your retainer. Retainers can be very expensive to replace, and when you are not wearing yours, you should keep it its case. If you have had a fixed retainer placed, our orthodontists and team will show you how to brush and floss to keep it and your smile clean. If you break or lose your retainer, contact our office as soon as possible.
After you have completed your orthodontic treatment and your teeth are properly aligned, our orthodontists will provide you with a retainer. This simple oral appliance is custom made to fit your teeth perfectly and keep them in their proper positions. To set up an appointment at Dentistry and Braces Group and learn more, give us a call today.
A retainer is a custom-made oral appliance often used to maintain the alignment of your teeth after orthodontic treatment. If you have finished your orthodontic treatment, our dentists may recommend a retainer to keep your smile properly aligned. As you age, your teeth tend to shift; the retainer ensures that your teeth remain in correct alignment for optimal oral health, functionality and appearance. There are three main types of retainers available:
Our orthodontists will help you determine whether you need a retainer after your orthodontic treatment. For more information, we welcome you to call us today!
At Dentistry and Braces group, we believe that everyone deserves exceptional dental care, no matter their age or circumstance. For personalized, comprehensive dental care, contact our experienced dentists and make your appointment today.