Dental implant maintenance
Dental implants can last a lifetime if you care for them properly.
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When we talk about implant maintenance, we refer to the routine care required to keep your dental implants functioning properly after they are fully placed. While dental implants are meant to last a lifetime, they still require regular care, just like natural teeth.
Dental implant maintenance is similar to regular dental maintenance. It involves maintaining good oral hygiene with daily brushing and flossing as well as receiving regular preventive care from a dental professional to be sure your dental implants are functioning correctly. Depending on the need, we may also recommend additional treatments or oral hygiene aids.
Our dentists can check on your dental implants during your regular six-month visits with us, but it is especially important that you keep those regular appointments so we can ensure your dental implants are functioning correctly. Also, if you experience any pain or other issues with your dental implants, please contact us as soon as possible for emergency care.
Dental implants are permanent replacements for your missing teeth and are often considered the ideal tooth replacement option, as they work to replace the entire tooth instead of only the crown or crowns of your teeth. They are designed to look, feel and function exactly like your original teeth, including performing the same functions as your tooth roots to stimulate your supporting bone tissue to keep it healthy and ensure that your teeth remain stable in your mouth.
While dental implants are designed to last for a lifetime, they cannot do so unless they receive the same kind of care that your natural teeth would receive. This means maintaining good oral hygiene with daily brushing and flossing as well as receiving regular preventive care from a dental professional to keep your teeth and mouth free from plaque, tartar and disease-causing bacteria.
During your dental exams, our dentists will examine your mouth to check for signs of developing problems and ensure that your implants are functioning properly. X-rays will be taken as needed to examine your supporting oral structures. Depending on the findings of your exam and your individual needs, we may recommend additional treatments or oral hygiene aids.
We strongly recommend that you visit the dentist every six months to receive routine preventive care. Emergency dental care is also available if you experience pain, injury or another problem.
For more information about dental implant maintenance and to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists, give us a call today! We are committed to helping you maintain a healthy smile.
At Dentistry and Braces group, we believe that everyone deserves exceptional dental care, no matter their age or circumstance. For personalized, comprehensive dental care, contact our experienced dentists and make your appointment today.